Monday, December 3, 2007

Managers-You get 'em all

Well, unfortunately, i got stuck at my first job for almost 4 years. May be if i had switched more sporadically, i could have met varying kinds of managers who would enlighten me with information and strategies of how to treat the humble person reporting to you. But i should say, even my uninspirational, unrewarding and always-reprimanding stay at my job has bought me across quite a few managers.

But, i should say, the worst of all are the people who dont really care a damn for who you are, as long as they get their job done. I mean, there is no people management, its all work management.

A very good anecdote i can recall is the just recent promotion i got. For the love of God, i thought it was my freaking hard work and the blood(hyperbole), sweat and tears(again hyperbole) that i put in the company/project for the last 3+ years that had yielded me the feel of the next level.

But No, i got a realty check. I was not a deserving Software Engg. I had not done enough to convince my managers of my abilities. It required divine intervention to put me through.

Thanks Almighty!! Thanks!!

You know what, think about it again. I dont want this change. I would rather get it on merit rather than people begging for me. Sorry, someone had to beg.

Yes, friends, you guessed it right. I am a underachieving. poor soul with no capabilities and I have got a very undeserving present.

Please take it back someone, Please!!

Ok, forget... Ill take a leave...


P.S: All is fictional. no resembelance to reality, whatsoever.