Saturday, August 9, 2008

Idea of an innovative mind!

'The most amazing show on earth! EVER', thats how people have described the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympic games.

I still recall the pictures that Adrian showed me of him participating in the Athen Olympic Closing ceremony, and it seemed to be good fun. His pictures with atheletes from different nations. The relaxed look on all the faces, the jovial smile and the hug of a co-athelete. The pictures had them all.

But, from what I seen of the 2008 ceremony, it was class apart. It was a stage the Chinese have been waiting for. It was a show of power, a show of how far they have come. And it has left the entire world stand up and look.

I am big fan of the Chinese dedication and focus of achieving capabilities. They very well know what they need and have set the path to achieve it.

They wanted excellence in almost all fields for this Olympics and mind you they have almost succeded in the plan. For example, take Field Hockey. 4 Years back, no one had even heard of the Chinese team. They were the whipping boys. Fast forward 2008, they are Asian Games Bronze medallist. They have beaten India and Pakistan more than once. Thats what commitment is, isnt it?

During the opening ceremony I hit upon an innovate idea. India is going to host the 2010 Commonweath Games. Presuming, the hyped comparisions that exists in the media, people will except a grand ceremony from India too. I know it would be tough to deliver the kind of excellence that China put up. But I have a nice idea.

Get the Chinese opening ceremony video. Replace the word China with India, 2008 with 2010, and Olympic Games with Commonwealth Games. Use some photoshop expert and modify the faces in the ceremony to look Indian.

Then, on the big 'D' day, just put up 2 BIG screen in the stadium and play the video.


Save Money, Earn Respect, Indian ishtyle!!



AD said...

by the way bro..china got silver in doha ...nd what bot the bollywood stars dancing bhangra in commonwealth eh ....

Garg said...

Hey !!! I understand India is far more ahead of China in IT. I understand that we work in IT industry ; Yes IT industry in INDIA means power of copy + paste. But are you proud of this fact that we save time and money and earn profit out of that or you mean to say we should not do so? I guess what china is capable of we understand when we go to a walmart and try not buy items made in CHINA. But we are always proud to buy made in INDIA because we understand in INDIA its not only quantity but quality also. Lets wait for commonwealth openings and share our thots on same again and see how innovative we Indians are. BTW Chinese projecting through their drum dance different letters and words was something we see in our Republic day and Independence day pared year by year so whats innovative in that ?? only the drums ??? :-)