Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sacrificing phase!

The definition very apt for Sacrifice (in my case) is:
Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.

In the above definition, in my context:
Highly valued = Rice+Soad+Pizza and more
Greater value = Wedding

Giving up orkut turned out much easier than giving up rice! :)
Brought up on a pure rice rich diet, gobbling it since I started to eat solid food, to suddenly give up rice, is a tough ask.

But I am somehow coping upto it. Its been almost a month since I have given up rice for lunch as well as dinner. Add to that, Soda too. Never had an aerated drink for almost 4 weeks.

Also, slowly am avoiding oily stuff too. So those fried samosa's that my roomies enjoy, are a NO-NO for me. Period!

Why am i torturing myself you ask?

December 28th 2008!!! I dont want to be a ball rolling down the aisle. I want to be a decent human being, made sophisticated by the tuxedo, walking down the aisle. I want Lourdes, to stand besides a manageable fellow, who is atleast visually palatable.

It surely is tough, I tell you. 5 pounds in almost a month, current weight loss. Lets see, how much of a change I can bring about until December.

What I am worried is about the post-marriage-eating-syndrome!!! Might hog all the things I craved for and end up being overweight for the return flight. Those samosas, rosgullas, onion rings, cheeze pizzas, sodas, rice+chicken curry... might be too hard to resist once it is 29th December 2008.

Tough 3 months ahead and even tougher period after the 'D' day.
Pray for me.



debamishra said...

i completely understand, best of luck dear...

AD said...

bro..dats y i guess im lucky im a sportsman...or else id b jus like u ..hehehhe ....thinkin bot givin up food...dat u love..

manish said...

being an eyewitness...to this phase...I can see it persist during day time only..lolz