Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A movie that will move you!

Sorry guys, this is not 'The Dark Knight' I am talking about.

Just finished watching 'Into the Wild', a terrific piece of art. Movies are supposed to have an impact and this movie has left me hollow. It is an indescribable feeling that’s simmering inside me. Prior to this 'Fight Club' was my favorite movie. But 'Into the Wild' has just taken top honors.

The best part about this movie is the simplicity with which it attracts your attention. There is constant undercurrent that makes you wonder, can I take a decision like Chris? Can I abandon all these materialistic pleasures and just live a free life?
Basically, I don’t want to give much away, but the movie tells about Chris a young American who walks away from the materialistic world into the unknown.

As I write and as you read, there is something bothering us. It could be anything, work, family, friends, money, colleagues or some other petty issue, but it restricts you from doing what you would have done in a free world.
May be I would have packed up, left everything behind and moved to the mountains. May be Adrian would have left all his success and taken globe-trotting. May be, you would have left that multi-million $ paying job of yours and headed to the nearby islands to enjoy the waters and make a wonderful living there. May Be?

Alas, it won’t happen. I won’t leave my comfort zone, even though I might find more happiness and mental peace in the mountains than I do here. These decisions are tough and to be frank, inconceivable for an unadventurous being like me.

But, through the eyes of Chris today, I was able to take myself far away. I was able to do things that gave me unadulterated pleasure and happiness. What can be better than a sleep with no worries? A ride down the river with no hassles of knowing which way I am headed. A life without the burden of inner guilt and self pity.
Alex took this decision, because circumstances at home pushed him towards it. Some people don’t need that push. They just head that road and live their life. Yes, they live and we (materialistic human beings), to some extent, only exist.

Alex made sure that nothing held him back. Afraid of the waters, he was soon rafting down the Colorado River into Mexico. That’s what life is all about. Face your fears, your dreams, and your desires and make sure that you at least give one shot at accomplishing them. Success would not matter, but your effort would.

Don’t we all crave for this kind of a life? Carefree, full of surprises and unseen tomorrows?

But, unfortunately, I am not brave enough to take a plunge into the pool of eternal joy. I would rather live a miserly life with a handful of happy moments and perish.

I wish some of you can take that plunge and live like Chris. Chris aka Alex Supertramp!


abhishek said...

added to netflix queue...thanks!

AD said...

hey bro...dont u be surprised that ADRIAN D'SOUZA does it eh .....could always happen...caz uve known me for all my years now...but jus stay by my side...forever...

atlee said...

one of ur best posts dude!

Really inspiring and motivating...