Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Those beer guzzling days...

The days I am about to mention, have to be the most carefree and enjoyable days of my life. No hassles whatsoever. No worries in life. Nothing! Just plain adolescent fun and growing up.

All we needed was: 5 close friends, 3 bikes, 50 bukz each, 'Dhana Paani' and voila eternal bliss.

I dont remember who among us decided to head to 'Dhana Paani' first, but whosoever it was, thanks buddy. Dhana Paani is a small strech of beach near to my home. The place does not have any lighting whatsoever. The breeze is a killer and the atmosphere at the place, fantabulous.

The fab 5, Gaurang 'Telia', Rajiv 'Kama', Vijay 'Pandu', Nikhil 'Bhangar' and Me 'Dosa'. The 3 bikes, Gaurang and his so-called 'Worlds Best Bike', Hero Honda Passion. Vijay and his ever-reliable Splendor and Nikhil with his super economy Boxer.

And 50 bukz, was for the Khajurao or Zingaro beer that he bought on the way to the beach. Of course the beer cost us 40, but 10 bukz was for the so-damn-delicious burjee pav that we relished at the breezy beach and the 'chakhna' to go along with the beer.

Nikhil was teetotaler and used to drink Pepsi. Gaurang would crack endless jokes on him but he did not change. We would leave somewhere around 7 PM and get back at 9 or 10 PM. One beer gave us quite a good kick then. More than the kick it was the freedom that we relished. Sitting on those rocks at 'Dhana Paani', the waves hitting the shore, the cool breeze blowing into us, the darkness that engulfed the entire place. It was simply awesome. We would discuss everything and anything. Girlfriends, college, career, fights, friends and more.

The toughest part would be to reach home and quietly go to sleep. My Mom was an expert at knowing when I had beer with my friends. :) Of course, soon she realized that when I slept directly after coming home, meant I had a drink outside. :)

The 5 of us have had so many funny incidents. One of the most funniest was when Rajiv got his own bike. A second hand RX 100, I think. One evening, heading back from one boozing trip, he notices a stray dog ahead of him. Next thing is unbelievable. The dog tried to go left, our Rajiv also went left and ran over that poor dog. Luckily, Kama weighed only 45 Kgs and his bike was a real goner(without most parts). So the dog let out a scream and ran away. But the laughter that the rest of us had was simple unstoppable. For the entire journey, till I reached home, I was laughing. How good a driver can you be to ride over a dog and not hurt the dog or lose your balance. Simple awesome Rajiv. No doubt that guy is a Pilot with Indian Airlines today!!!!

Beware you pigeons and crows, its Kama in control!

Surely, even you have such moments, that when you look back at, give you goosebumps and bring back a grin to your face.



G said...

hahaha!.. those were the days man! good times ! we should go to dhana paani in dec..!

G said...

Me : "Guys, I don't have any money left for us to get any more omlettes or chakna"
Nikhil : "Yeah right!.. Let me check your wallet !!"
Me : "WTF! If you don't find anything in my wallet, everything in your wallet is mine!"

worked everytime, didn't it?.. ;)

Ashley said...

It worked like Magic Bro..
All d time... Nikhil never dared touch your wallet!!!