Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sania Mirza, India's most over-hyped sportsperson!

"Carrying the hopes of a billion people". Just woke up on this cozy sunday to read this first line on rediff and indiatimes. Infuriated, i slowly calmed down and realised that, India lacks sports heroes. Hence it is but natural for the media to focus on very mediocre talent like Sania Mirza and project her as India's only hope for a medal.

Yes, she can win a medal if, she gets byes in all her rounds and is directly into the finals. There, if there is an opponent she will get Silver, else, she 'May' win a Gold. Reason. She has this uncanny habit of coming up with weird injuries at the most inexplicable times. So in the final she might withdraw with no one to play against. It is possible!

Yes, so why is Sania Indias most over-hyped sportsperson. Lets start with my basic reasoning.

Is she a sportsperson?
NO. A sportsperson is a cut above the rest, when it comes to physical fitness. I for one, know because I have friends and family who are professional sportspersons. I dont actually track, but Miss Sania falls sick more often than a new born baby. Blame it on the WTA or tennis, it does not fly with me. And the best thing about professionals is that, the time they realise their body cant take the toll, they quit. A prime example is Martina Hingis from WTA. But, out Sania will keep blaming the shoulder, knee, head, back and all other biological parts, which I take as silly excuses to compensate for lack of talent.

Even if she is a sportsperson, is she really worth the hype?
NO. India has better sports-persons to look upto. We dont need a flopshow like Sania to follow and waste our prayers for a Olympic medal. I mean, the statistics speak for themselves, she has been a professional for more than 5 years. She has one single WTA tour victory which came at her home turf in 2005. Since then she does not really have anything to boast about.
Her serve is the most pathetic I have ever seen. Infact, even i can serve better. Atleast I am more consistent.
She has not made it past the 4th round in any grand slam, but once.
Her inconsistency is her highlight and strong point. She does not win anything, is very mediocre and is more of a sex symbol than a tennis star.

I mean, I dont mind admiring a Sachin Tendulkar, he is class, he is talent. Nor do i not admire a Dhanraj Pillay. These sportspersons brough fear into the opponents minds when on the field. Do you think, Venus Williams gets scared when Sania is on the opposite side of the net?

The most hyped statement I have ever heard in my entire lifetime was this, "Sania has the hardest forehand in womens tennis". Pardon me, but I dont remember which blind, deaf, dumb soul made this statement, but it made me giggle and laugh at the stupidity that Sania-Mania has created.

What we have today is something like this:
A big bubble. Lots of pictures of a tennis player in tennis attire. A little bit of flesh and Indian hormones go into a tizzy. Zilch tennis talent required for a champion. Let alone a champion, a decent tennis player. More Zilch athletic physique. Hype created by Indian media folks. 1 WTA title to boast about till date. 0 career games that were classics.

And we, Indians look towards this bubble in awe and hope for a medal?

Dont bullshit me. Try someone else. Indiatimes and Rediff, go and hunt some better stories to publish. This is stale and crap buddy!



atlee said...

Second your opinion...
Too much is being said n written about her. Her only contribution cud be if more girls start playing tennis in the future.

debamishra said...

do not know about this sania, but its true for most of our countries heros that we admire, achievments at top of the cadre very less, we have to accept inspirations are few and far. So we praise everybody and anybody for a small achievement, from yuvraj to sania or sandeep singh to kunjarani devi we always left empty handed than what we expected

Ashley said...

Atul, considering the arrogance and attitude that seems to fill the sania-cup, i really doubt she would be of any help.

last heard, she was not even in good terms with another Indian female tennis star, Sunita Rao.
'Dont Steal my thunder!' -Slogan for Sania.

PG said...

Dude i guess you are too demanding over here ...come on she is the first female from India to win and ATP event . IMO India does not have any idols and creating fake idols will atleast encourage youth to take sports seriuosly