Monday, July 14, 2008

Value of your life?

Not E-bay my friend!
E-bay may be able to quantify the monetary value of your life, but the social value?
How important are you to someone who is not related, someone who is not your friend, someone whom you have never spoken to, someone whom you know you will never bump into again(hopefully).

How will you measure that? Tough aint it?

Well, Manish( my roomie) and I have come up with a simple solution.
So you want to know the value of your life?
Read on...

Kindly head to the nearest crosswalk or zebra crossing. Wait for the WALK signal to turn green. Then a little carefully start crossing the road.

At this particular moment, you will know how valuable your life is, to the particular society you are in.

Try this at a couple of other signals, just to confirm the results and make sure there is a consistency in the attitude of the people in the society.

I hope you got the answer!

Adios and Be Safe.

Please be attentive during the above procedure.
Ashley/Manish are not responsible for any accidents/fatalities.

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