Tuesday, August 19, 2008


"What a wuss you are?", exclaimed my friend. "How can you even like Boyzone?". Yes, I admit it, I was a huge boyzone fan. So huge, that I even wrote a letter to them and sent it all the way to Middlesex, England!!! Btw, this happened somewhere in 1996-1997. No emails then, no internet to get online membership. My joy knew no bounds when I got a reply, for a moment I thought that one of the five must have personally replied to me. Stupid me, but yes, I did think so. So what did the letter contain? I was so excited to have seen the letter, opening it would have taken me to the next ultimate level of excitement.

Well, the letter only had a invitation to be a part of their official fanclub. It did not contain the boyzone tee which I had asked for. Nor did it have a autographed photograph of Shane. :)
To rub it in, the membership fees was quite an unaffordable figure and that too in pounds. To be frank I dont even remember the exchange rate that time nor the amount those freaks asked for.

But, that letter, it meant so much to me. I kept it safely in my draw. Hid the letter from Adrian, so that he would not laugh at me. Days passed, Boyzone was passe. Enter Backstreet Boyz, N'Sync, Bed & Breakfast, WestLife and so on....

What I really love about these boybands is that they were in perfect synchronization with my adolescent days.
From 'Words', 'Bye Bye Bye' to 'Escape', they have always been parallel and provided background score to my other-wise simple life.

The first CD I ever bought was 'Millenium', courtesy 'Backstreet Boys'. I would stand in front of the mirror and sing 'I want it that way' and 'Show me the meaning of being lonely' all evening.

Right now am listening to 'Back Here Baby' by BBMak... those good ole 'Ganga' days!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WUSSIEEE!!!! hehehehahhahaha! :)