Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Wish...

Somwhere along this long winding road, I've wished....

I wished for Mom to allow me to grow my hair..
Long locks meant more headcare..
So I keep short hair!

I wished to wear full trousers to school..
Full pants(5th class and higher) meant getting up early to school..
So I cribbed every morning that I want to sleep!

I wished to play football for my school/college..
Football practice meant lots of running and kicking..
So I wished I was dropped and told to go home!

I wished to go to college and get rid of the uniform..
College meant rich folks wearing branded clothes..
So I wished we all were equal and we all wore a uniform!

I wished to earn my own money and spend..
Money brought along responsibilities and more headache..
So I wish instead, my dad gives me pocket money!

All long, I've wished..
Things have happened as I wanted them to..
But, I still cant find that peace, that comfort that I am looking for...

Wonder, what should I Wish for next??


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