Saturday, August 16, 2008

PHELPNOMENAL - 8 Golds for Phelps!!!!!

I know its not 7:58 PM, its just 3:06 PM here. Still another 5 hours to go to see Phelps celebrate his unique and un-freakin-imaginable record of 8 gold medals in one Olympic Game.

But, I know, he wont let me down. I wont have to revisit this post to make changes. No, I wont.
If I had any doubt regarding his ability of his achieving the 8 golds then they have been washed-clear by his last swim in the 100M butterfly.

All sportspersons will always tell you, 110% hardwork does not necessarily give you 100% success. Every single soul needs luck. A small percentage true, but it is a must. For Phelps, we all knew he had given his 110% preparing for these games. But was luck on his side? Oh hell yea!!

Winning the 100M Fly, by the closest possible margin, Phelps has proved that all the forces in this world have contrived to enable him win 8 golds.

About 4 hours to go and phelps will take another dive into history.

For my friends, the race is scheduled at 8 PM today, 16th (8*2) August (8) 200(8), where Phelps will aim to win 8 gold medals...

Amazing 8'nt it?


1 comment:

AD said...

there u go bro ...hes done it....