Monday, August 11, 2008

Prison Break in A Perfect World?

Now we that we are fast approaching Prison Break - 4, I thought of penning down this column.

I was not a big PB fan at first. Even though Joel and Adrian kept telling me about this dramatic prison escape series called PB, I was not really excited about downloading the stuff or catching it online. But once I started to watch it, there was no looking back. I have even watched 7 episodes on a trot. That is almost 6 hours of non-stop PB. The reason I had to stop was because it was dawn and I had to get ready to leave for work. I found the concept very refreshing and each character had a varied level of tenacity to fulfil their own goals.

Funny that I watched PB - 2 first, then I caught up on PB -1 and then finally PB -3. So you can imagine, the mess that I made, I had to watch PB -2 again to make sense of all those links which I failed to grasp during my first watch.

'A Perfect World' is a Kevin Costner movie that I recently happened to catch. It is a touching story of a prisoner on the run and his bonding with a 8 year old kid whom he takes as hostage during his escape.

The similarities might not be earth shattering or headline material, but they are quite interesting.
1. The escape from the prison is quite similar. The jump over the wall onto a empty street.
2. The escape involves the prisoners wearing white attire during their escape.
3. The protagonist and the lead negative character, (M.Schofield and T-BAG in PB, Butch Haynes and Terry Pugh in A Perfect World) share the exactly same chemisrty. They do mention, that once outside they would be on their own. They both hate each other's guts.
4. T-Bag and Terry are both paedophiles.
5. Terry is killed by Butch, and Scofield makes sure that T-Bag is left for dead in PB 3.
6. Butch and Scofield both had troubled childhoods.
7. The similarity that really caught my attention, was the behaviour of the 2 characters. There was this air of alikeness, a sense of deja-vu when you watch Terry in that role of a escape convict. He has T-BAG written all over him. The way he talks, his actions, his attitude and his screen presence. So damn similar.

I presume this was just a co-incidence, but then the similarities made me curious.
For all you movie buffs+PB fans, if you've not watched 'APW', do try and catch it. It is a Clint Eastwood direction and definetely worth a couple hours of your time.



Unknown said...

So when are u gonna catch up on LOST??????!!!! try getting season 1 from somewhere......plsssssssss... n WATCH IT!!!!!

Ashley said...

Sure.. will get it from somewhere and get started.. and yea.. ill make sure i start from Season 1!!!